Full Name
Street Address
Why are you applying for this scholarship?
Please list your personal best in track and field as well as any other notable performances in other sports
Have you ever been a part of another club? If yes why are you switching.
What type of scholarship do you need to join this program? 25%50%75%Full Scholarship
UTTC Athletic Scholarships are awarded to athletes on sessional basis (fall, winter and summer sessions). In order to maintain the awarded scholarship the athlete must demonstrate that they are:
Coachable - Being open to asking for and receiving feedback, and being interested in growth.
Must be a full-time student
Committed - attending a minimum of 2 practices per week and demonstrating dedication.
Show progress - determined by event coach(es)
Be involved - volunteer/ participate at events, meetings, competing in competition season, etc.
Applicant Name
Applicant Signature